
Luglio 2022 – The Queen’s Garden Party

Dopo due anni, tornano a Buckingham Palace i Garden Parties, le celebri feste con i giardini reali aperti a migliaia di persone in cui ogni invitato ha la possibilità di parlare con sua Altezza Reale e i membri della Famiglia Reale. E per i più sfortunati? Non resta che consolarsi con il ricco buffet offerto dalla Regina!
Queen's Garden Party

The Queen’s Garden Party

The garden at Buckingham Palace is the setting for the Royal Garden Parties held by the Queen. Although earlier Royal owners had held entertainments in the garden, the tradition of large, formal, garden parties was established by Queen Victoria, for whose Golden and Diamond Jubilees, two particularly lavish parties were held in 1887 and 1897. Three garden parties are held at Buckingham Palace, and one at the Palace of Holyroodhouse (in Scotland) each summer. The Queen also gives permission for additional garden parties to be held; in 2008, parties were held for the Centenary of the Royal Charter to the British Red Cross, and a few other charities. Some 30,000 guests attend the parties each year, which recommenced in 2022, after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nominations for invitations to the garden parties are made by the Lord-lieutenants, government departments, the armed forces, the Diplomatic corps and a range of charities and societies. The nominations, which are intended to acknowledge public service, are approved by the Lord Chamberlain, who then issues the invitations in the name of the Queen.

Guests take tea and sandwiches in marquees erected in the garden. Just prior to 4.00 p.m. the Queen and accompanying members of the Royal Family emerge from the Bow Room in the palace, as a band plays the National Anthem. The royal party then process through ranks of assembled guests towards the Royal Tea Tent, greeting those previously selected for the honor. A second private tea tent is reserved for diplomatic guests, while all other attendees make use of the general tent. Two military bands alternate in playing a “continuous supply of festive music”.


setting: l’ambientazione

lavish: lussuoso, sontuoso

hiatus: pausa

Lord-lieutenant: lord-luogotenente (titolo onorario concesso a nobili in pensione che agiscono come rappresentati della Corona nelle varie contee. Svolgono ruoli di pubbliche relazioni per la Corona.)

Chamberlain: ciambellano

marquees: tendone

ranks: ranghi

Anthem: inno

supply: fornitura


Video of the Queen’s Garden Party 2015:


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